Spring Equinox index post & what comes next

Mar 23, 2019 09:53

What a lovely spring celebration we had! Thanks to everyone who shared new Spuffy stuff with us or cheered the authors and artists on, or still plans to cheer them on. Everyone else, I hope you had a good time, as well! :)

I'm going to leave a list of links here so we can find the equinox free-for-all entries later. It will live in the index post tag, which we can use to browse overviews of past rounds and free-for-all days back to, oh, 2008. ^^

Entries in the Spring Equinox Free-for-All, March 20th, 2019:

Anywhere But Here by the_wiggins (season 2, Mature). Also available on Dreamwidth.
Ostara Blessings by fancyflautist (season 6/7, PG)
Whac-a-Mole by Passion4Spike (post-NFA, PG)

Banner & Icons by sintonia/stnia (worksafe)
Spring Bookmark by teragramm (worksafe)
spring flowers part 1 (yellow edition) and spring flowers part 2 (pink edition) by Double Dutchess

So, where do we go from here? :)
  • Authors, when crossposting your fic, remember that you can use the Seasonal Spuffy EF category or AO3 tag to help more people find it. Readers, feel free to check out same for a selection of past entries.
  • Posting-wise, we're on hiatus till May, and then we will have EVEN MORE fun than we just did, because May 2 - May 22 is the Spring 2019 Round of Seasonal Spuffy. Signup for posting days is still open, and there will be free-for-all days: May 6, May 12, May 18-19. Everyone working on entries, good luck! <3
  • In the meantime, teragramm will open our traditional banner contest soon, so keep an eye out for that if you enjoy making banners and receiving votes under cover of anonymity.
  • And rebcake will have a poll for you. (Yay! Rebcake polls are fun!)
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming round or how the comm works or anything remotely related, feel free to poke us! Contact options include commenting on a mod post, PMing me/slaymesoftly/teragramm/rebcake/rbfvid, and emailing sspuffy@gmail.com.

mod post, index post

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