Spuffy Bookmarks

Nov 27, 2018 19:34

title - Comic Graveyard Bookmarks
creator - teragramm
rating - G
season - comics

For my last post of the day, below the cut, I have 2 printable bookmarks (one vertical, one horizontal).

I "borrowed" the bookmark idea (with her permission) from emmatheslayer.* Enjoy!

Click on the link below the thumbnail for full version that is ready to print. Make sure your printer is set for actual size not print to fit (that will be too big).



*Buffy/Spike comic image taken from Dark Horse Buffy comics S11 issue 7 A/W by Rebekah Isaacs (This image https://k.nickpic.host/xyiJFO.png)

Background image taken from Dark Horse Buffy comics S10 issue 23 A/W by Megan Levens. (This image https://k.nickpic.host/xyhakJ.png)

All resources can be found on my profile page.

era: comics canon, creator: teragramm, rating: other, form: banner/wallpaper/manip

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