Fic: Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence, Buffy/Spike, G

Nov 22, 2018 18:57

Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence
By Barb C
Pairing: Buffy/Spike, and Buffy and Spike
Rating: G
Summary: It's not so much a dark mirror as a tie-in novel series that's gone way off the rails.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In The Sun et al. It's a many-years-later followup to In A Yellow Wood and is set a month or so ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, creator: rahirah, form: fic, rating: other, genre: alternate reality

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thenewbuzwuzz November 24 2018, 10:04:03 UTC
I briefly thought your Buffy was Real Buffy, and I was on board that perspective. :D It was comforting. It makes sense that the comics Buffy is the one who's so determined to call herself real, though.

"She'd expected Other Buffy's world to be a dark, twisted mirror of her own life, something that would reflect her own problems back to her, and allow her to solve them in one neat, tidy revelation."
Genre savvy Buffy. :) Unfair, really, that it didn't work that way.

"Somehow or other, she's lost some years, or Other Buffy has gained them, because they're not the same age anymore, and it makes her head hurt when she tries to figure out how 2018 minus 1981 equals thirty."
*snicker* Is that how time works in the comics, then :))

"the guy she'd last seen across a stark white bathroom"
Okay, this must be a comics thing I don't know about. Maybe it has to do with her headache.

"They treat each other with the exaggerated tenderness of people who've almost broken something beyond repair, and are hoping that if they move carefully, and hold their breaths long enough, it will mend, and not just fall apart. When one looks at the other unnoticed, it's full of yearning, a need so raw it makes her breath catch."
Waah. D: (I love this) Please hug now, Spuffy

"What she feels for Real Spike is all brains. There's nothing raw left between them; it's all smooth edges and healthy, mature, adult self-sufficiency. She doesn't need him, and Real Spike doesn't need her, either."
Fuck that.
Wait. OH! She "last saw" *soulless* Spike in the bathroom, and she thinks of them as two separate people.

I love "that see-you-down-to-your-component-atoms way he has".

It must be cool having your own established AU Buffy who can meet up with canon for a round of intense mutual side-eyeing. It's sure amusing to read.

"Other Buffy's hand freezes. Then drops defiantly onto his, giving his fingers a squeeze, and Other Spike breaks into a startled, joyful smile."
Eep. <3 Thank you.

Comics Buffy COULD have a relevation right about now. She just really doesn't want to.


rahirah November 24 2018, 16:36:30 UTC
We can hope she has one on the trip to L.A. :D


slaymesoftly November 24 2018, 17:48:47 UTC
Oh, I think she's having little revelations, just doing her best to ignore them for now. :)


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