Fic: Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence, Buffy/Spike, G

Nov 22, 2018 18:57

Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence
By Barb C
Pairing: Buffy/Spike, and Buffy and Spike
Rating: G
Summary: It's not so much a dark mirror as a tie-in novel series that's gone way off the rails.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In The Sun et al. It's a many-years-later followup to In A Yellow Wood and is set a month or so ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, creator: rahirah, form: fic, rating: other, genre: alternate reality

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Comments 16

sandy_s November 23 2018, 03:36:16 UTC
I'm so confused but read on anyway! lol I finally sorted it out (sort of) in my head by the end and now I want to know why things are strained between other Buffy and other Spike. Good for other Spike for not seeing Real Buffy as better - that's as it should be. :o) The tense road trip with things unsaid is so Spuffy, too! Happy Thanksgiving!


rahirah November 23 2018, 16:40:58 UTC
Yeah, I've been hesitating to post this one because it's just a very quick look at a lot of complicated stuff. But if you check out the links in the header, the stories there will give you more background!


bewilde November 23 2018, 04:22:49 UTC
What I like about this is how effortlessly it throw shade on s12's inexplicable Spuffy breakup, with "Real Buffy" just drenched in denial. I do not think of the comics as canon (s8 is too appalling for me to accept) but it makes a certain sense here, and I just love the heartbreaking picture you're giving of "Other Spuffy"'s relationship, which has been through so much.


rahirah November 23 2018, 16:45:53 UTC
Yeah, this ficlet is my brand of self-indulgence. About the only way I can make sense of the breakup is to assume that after Buffy said the Three Little Words at the end of S11, Spike thought that they were home free, and made a blithe and casual assumption that they'd be moving in together, or something else to move the relationship forward. And Buffy panicked. Either that, or turning thirty made Buffy panic about Spike not aging. That's the most infuriating thing, really -- there ARE legitimate reasons why they might break up, and Joss couldn't be arsed to pull one out of his.


slaymesoftly November 23 2018, 17:59:10 UTC
Trying to catch up on things. I've been concentrating so hard on my "job" of posting the links a couple of places, that I've skimmed past the entries themselves if they require reading. Love this. Not sure which crisis "other" Buffy and Spike are dealing with right now, but it feels very right for them. Marriage isn't always easy.... "Real" Buffy is amazingly willing to keep swimming in that river provided by Joss at the end of the season. This is a nice job of showing exactly how very not perfect her life is while she tries not to be jealous of what is obviously a real relationship between her other self and the vampire she won't allow herself to be happy with.


rahirah November 24 2018, 16:39:53 UTC
This is the miscarriage crisis -- I'm kinda hoping I'll be able to get the next installment of that story out for the last free posting day, though no promises!


slaymesoftly November 24 2018, 17:45:28 UTC
Ah yes. That was a time of great angst and pain. And even there, "real Buffy" can see and feel the love and commitment she's missing out on.


kerry_220 November 24 2018, 07:07:55 UTC
Season 12... hmmm. So much of each is inexplicable and just lazy. My cynical self thought Joss might have been hoping to inspire the endless oceans of fix it fanfic that the series inspired in the first place. Or maybe his fanatical control tendencies just kicked in. Anyway, I’m sure it’s been discussed endlessly elsewhere so I won’t go on with it.

I am always a fan of multiple ‘verse Buffys trying to make sense of one another. I’m particularly fond that this ‘Real Buffy’ is swimming in denial... perky denial! Kudos for including the ‘once-over’ - no girl is going to forget that look.

Ooh, and I love the throwaway that Illyria actually took over, I’m assuming, Lilah? That’s worth looking forward too.


rahirah November 24 2018, 16:43:55 UTC
I really believe that the only motive Joss had for breaking them up was that so no side of the ship war could say that they "won." Same reason we had Angel show up for five minutes so Buffy could bask in Chosen.

Illyria takes over Lilah, yeah. I'n figuring that Lilah offers herself to Illyria as a willing sacrifice, because that means A) her memories live forever as part of an immortal all-powerful being, and B) her soul is destroyed in the process, so Wolfram & Hart are cheated out of keeping her in eternal servitude after her death. From Lilah's point of view, it's a win-win scenario.


thenewbuzwuzz November 24 2018, 10:04:03 UTC
I briefly thought your Buffy was Real Buffy, and I was on board that perspective. :D It was comforting. It makes sense that the comics Buffy is the one who's so determined to call herself real, though ( ... )


rahirah November 24 2018, 16:36:30 UTC
We can hope she has one on the trip to L.A. :D


slaymesoftly November 24 2018, 17:48:47 UTC
Oh, I think she's having little revelations, just doing her best to ignore them for now. :)


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