Title: In for a Penny [10a/?]
the_moonmoth & bewildered/
bewildeRating: NC-17
Length: ~11,200 words this chapter (79k in total so far)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: We're back!
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"Spike was a risk-taker." -- fabulous paragraph.
Yes! Spike has something better than a soul! Thanks for reminding me about one of the reasons I love him so much!
"Spike sat back, enjoying a feeling of wellbeing he hadn’t experienced since first setting his sights on Sunnydale all those years ago. A feeling of direction, of purpose, and of confidence. Quietly exultant, he finally took a sip of his tea. And vamped out in horror as his tongue tried to curl up and die." (beautiful, BEAUTIFUL comic timing)
I, for one, approve of Spike Junior's id.
"her juicy, blood-ripened parts" The fruitiness of this line fascinates me. It works!
"dickless" :D
"the bitter, aggravating scent" sure. Suuuure, Spike. :)
Wait, when did Spike start shipping Spike with Willow? This is great. Looks like I've forgotten enough good stuff already that a reread would be a lot of fun.
"Spike imagined himself heading off to the slayer's house" Haha, totally a Willow fantasy. No way is this about anyone else.
"which he knew for a fact she hadn’t, because Angel" :D
"until she was all full of him, and he of her" oh! That's so sweet, as murder fantasies go <3
"He hastily added on an epilogue to his fantasy" My god, this is even funnier than outright forgetting about Willow
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