Title: Just To Reach You
Author: sunAlso
Rating: R (M on AO3)
Era: Post-Series
Warnings: Adult language, non-explicit sexual situations
Catnip: Established relationship
Summary: Now that the first rush of being together is over, Spike and Buffy find that they still have a lot to learn about each other.
A/N: For this fic I'm moving a few things
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Spike, man, you have such issues. :/ Not that I don't like to see you crashing to your knees now and then...
"he’d woken up to her throwing herself into his arms and sobbing hysterically about missing him" she's SO CUTE
"Actually, it was right around twenty months, but who was counting." he's SO CUTE!
"She snorted, then grinned. “Fine. I won’t expect you to be a saint.”
He ran his fingers over the back of her hand that was resting on the table. He felt more blessed than any saint just being in the same room as her."
they are SO CUTE!!
"He wanted to kick something, or yell, or punch a wall. He was bloody frustrated. How was he supposed to get anything? (..) ..something was different about this and he couldn’t suss out what. So he let out a breath and forced himself to calm down. “Then tell me, Buffy. Please.”"
Great job, Spike! :)
“You could touch things, could do things, and did you pick up a phone? Did you make even the slightest effort to find me? No, you bang Harmony.”
*glares at AtS canon*
"He did feel sort of guilty over the fact that he didn’t feel more jealousy over this Satsu girl. Probably because she was a girl. If Buffy had been with a bloke named…whatever a Japanese guy would be called, he doubted he’d be so interested in hearing about it. Ugly truth, that. But he was learning something about Buffy.." *nod nod nod, nod nod nod, nod*
"Christ, Sunnydale had been weird." Right?! :)))
"Buffy looked sad, as if an enemy not knowing her bothered her." XD Spike has raised her standards for enemies to a ridiculous level! <3
I am looking forward to the rest. :))
Poor Spike (and I tried to get him not to drama queen so much and it just didn't happen).
They're both too cute! And thank goodness Spike is figuring how to get Buffy to talk, something they both need.
I hate S5 of Angel so much. There was SO MUCH they could have done, and instead...it was a pile of nonsensical garbage. I'm pretty sure Spike nails Harm simply as a middle finger as Spuffy shippers (obviously not the watsonian argument there). I think Joss was pissed that a great many people didn't like his buddy comedy as much as he did. It was entirely: "So you want him corporeal? Fine, and here's a big FU to go along with it."
I love the thought that even a vampire would think Sunnydale was messed up, lol.
(I don't know why Amy didn't drag out stuff that would have really messed with Buffy's head- stuff with Angel/us for example.)
I hope you continue to enjoy! :-D thank you for the read and review!
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