Title: What Happens in Canada (2/4)
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 1700
Rating: Mature - for language, themes, and science
Setting: Unspecified post-series future wherein Slayers and other supernatural things are known to at least some of the public, and Buffy and Spike are a couple.
Summary: For the good of her sister Slayers, Buffy participates in a
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How do they distinguish between things that are naturally appealing to her and things that are only appealing due to context
I'm not sure we can ever completely correct for this. Context is everything, and it's so individual. But, you know, right now they're trying to establish a baseline. Heh.
I know for sure that they do tea in some parts of Canada. I'm not positive it's a big thing in Toronto, not having been there, but I found several lists of good places for tea, so why not? Many of the Canadians I know have "cocktail hour" instead.
I didn't doubt your research, I was just surprised.
Ah. That makes sense.
I strongly believe that tea time should be a thing everywhere. :D
Great job.
My first time having tea was in Victoria B.C., when I was 9. It was sooooo fancy! Crumpets! Nom nom nom.
You didn't have tea until you were nine? *huggles and throws crumpets at you*
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