spuffy icons

May 22, 2016 21:59

Hi everybody, today is my posting day and I just want to say thank you so much for everything you have done for us this round. Here are some random icons (mi mente debe estar desordenada si estoy perdiendo mi obsesión de crear por episodios) but you can request icons here if you want something specific. Enjoy guys :)

.| 20 icons.

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era: btvs s6, era: btvs s7, creator: sintonia, form: icons

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Comments 41

enigmaticblues May 23 2016, 01:56:48 UTC
Really gorgeous work! Thank you for sharing!


sintonia May 23 2016, 22:27:56 UTC
aw thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


(The comment has been removed)

sintonia May 23 2016, 23:11:41 UTC
I'm glad you like the colors, thank you for the lovely words!


rebcake May 23 2016, 04:56:15 UTC
Okay, that first one is my new favorite icon of ALL TIME! They are all beautiful, of course. That one just perfectly captures his happiness in the moment before reality hits. It's the visual equivalent of a story's happy ending. (Any story can have a happy ending if you end it soon enough...)


sintonia May 24 2016, 18:08:15 UTC
OH HOW I LOVE IT! you're Welles "if you want a happy ending that depends, of course, on where you stop your story" I think “Wrecked” is a painful truth, too. There was so much humanity and loneliness in this episode, by that time I just didn't realize it but it’s a broken world with broken lives, there’s no going back, somehow, we're all orphans of this world, we’re getting old in the midst of nothingness, so what can we do? You're right, a beautiful prelude of happiness.

Thanks for the beautiful comment :)


futurescribbler May 23 2016, 07:03:40 UTC
Those are the most beautiful icons I've ever seen! I can't get very how pretty they are.


sintonia May 24 2016, 18:17:40 UTC
*blushes* oh thank you so much darling!! thanks for your kind words, you know, no one told me that before <3<3<3


futurescribbler May 24 2016, 20:49:33 UTC
Thank-you for sharing them with us. Other people were probably just too shy to mention it. :D


sintonia May 26 2016, 04:20:13 UTC
Haha! my pleasure & thanks! :D


kerry_220 May 23 2016, 07:43:18 UTC
I never ask for someone's icons but they are sooo good. Who'd a thunk there was something new to do? I love 3 and 4!


sintonia May 24 2016, 18:28:39 UTC
I don't see why not, just say the word, maybe before the end of this round. Thank you for telling me which ones are your fav, I'm happy you like them! <3


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