Fic: Displacement (2/?) PG13

Nov 26, 2015 17:56

Title: Displacement, Chapter Two
Author: spuffy luvr
Rating: PG13 (for now)
Setting: Post-Series crossover with "S.H.I.E.L.D"
Word Count: ~2500/~30,000
Summary: Spike's amulet is left to languish at the bottom of the Sunnydale crater, until a S.H.I.E.L.D. team accidentally uncovers it ten years later.
Beta: The ever-incredible
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form: fic, creator: baphrosia, rating: other, era: post-series, genre: crossover

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Comments 12

torrilin November 27 2015, 04:04:41 UTC

I mean, I get why Spike went oh shit. But AUGH

Fitz's awful lying and terror at vampires is adorable. Jemma being terrifying and still her nerdy self, also adorable.


baphrosia December 1 2015, 08:54:53 UTC
FitzSimmons' default state is pretty much adorable! :)

Thank you!


rebcake November 27 2015, 06:07:58 UTC
Wow. You are really deft with the FitzSimmons voices. So accurate!

But besides that, there is so much interesting stuff going on here. Not least that Spike has just chucked his best chance. I am excited for more!

P.S. That bit with the Sports! Yeah! cover was brilliant.


baphrosia December 1 2015, 08:57:39 UTC
I love FitzSimmons, so figuring out their voices was fun. I'm trying to finish up the last chapter(s) (still), and I feel like I've lost their voices now that we're not actively binge-watching the show any more. *sniffle* I may just have to give in and watch an episode or two again.

Spike being rash? Never! :)



kerry_220 November 27 2015, 06:48:35 UTC
He could only get to the city limits, right?

Now I want to know what badness has happened in the last 10 years...



baphrosia December 1 2015, 08:58:34 UTC
Oooh, that badness is going to earn the angst label. (Well, hopefully. I made myself sad, but sometimes all that takes is a baby commercial!).

Thank you!


slaymesoftly November 27 2015, 15:28:09 UTC
Finally getting around to being able to enjoy the entries, rather than just quickly add them to the list. Enjoying it so far. I was iffy - not a big crossover fan, even though I watch Shield and wouldn't be wondering who everybody is - but this is delightful so far. Can't wait for Buffy to show up.


baphrosia December 1 2015, 09:01:27 UTC
I don't tend to read a lot of crossovers, unless they're by somebody I trust or highly recced, and writing one is definitely new. It's hard work! I'm glad you're giving it a go and enjoying.

(I still haven't gone back and read the Halloween entries, never mind Seasonal Spuffy. I'm a bad, bad fan right now. On the plus side, at least I have some binge-reading to look forward to!)

Thank you!


red_satin_doll November 27 2015, 21:13:52 UTC
Spike shook his head, bewildered, and Fitz picked up the amulet and turned it over. “Do you think there’s an off button?” he asked Simmons.

“For the last time, I’m not some hologram!”

This is totally unfair because I'm sick and coughing a lot already and I nearly died laughing at this chapter. The dialogue, the whole running gag with them putting their arms through his "body" because it's cool, never mind Spike's dignity (and yeah, I never thought of it but I'd probably do the same damn thing).

After a while, he didn’t have to feign interest anymore. Spike was busy wondering how he could get his hands on an iPhone, and whether Game of Thrones was as good as the billboard hype made it out to be, when Willow nudged him in the arm.I think in a lot of ways that was what made Spike different from other vampires - not that he loved (we saw other vampires in the Buffyverse love - hell, the Master loved Darla way back in S1), but that he loves the world, he's so keenly interested in life (at the same time he loves being a vamp) and being a ( ... )


baphrosia December 1 2015, 09:09:28 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry you're sick. But you're feeling better now, because laughter and medicine, right?

Spike knows more about television and pop culture than I do. He'd be quick to catch up to what's going on now, whereas I had to spend forever trying to think up what's new and popular and would catch his eye. For the record, I thought up the 'Game of Thrones' thing before he mentioned it in S10, so go me! :)

So much avoidance for Spike.

I'm having a much harder time making Buffy ten years more experienced in life than I am Willow. Maybe because she's never really allowed to move on with life in canon, so I can't quite visualize what that looks like.

So glad you're reading! Thank you!


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