Title: Winter Lights [1/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter
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Comments 12
Thank you - my team are indeed an awesome bunch :)
Things that stood out for me are her secret patrols, the hedgehog, talking to her own feet, and that she says this perfectly reasonable thing to Dawn (who, for all that I love her, is being sorta bratty here):
I’m sorry you have regrets, Dawnie, really, I am, but none of that’s on me.
I always have a soft spot for Buffy refusing to cave on the emotional pressure tactics, even if sometimes it might be in her best interest to not have so many walls. As you well know. (I cheated and read the whole thing before coming back to comment.)
There's also the music, which was used to excellent effect in this. We've all been there, even if it didn't result in damage to the moldings. Fantastic mood, Mooney.
Yes, indeed. I imagine that in his mind, he's doing her a favour because he wants to think she's moving on, but really deep down he knows he's being an asshole.
I think Buffy and Dawn's relationship in one of those complex things where sometimes one of them is right, and sometimes the other (and sometimes both and sometimes neither), so I wanted to give them both chances to be right and wrong throughout the story. And I think Dawn kind of has a point, but that is not the way to raise it. Then again, she is probably very frustrated by Buffy's lack of visible grief. Like all of Buffy's important relationships, this one would go an awful lot smoother if she could just express herself...
Thank you <3
If I had to say what I liked, I'll just copy-and-paste 'till tomorrow. Now I'm torn between reading this all in one go tonight or savoring it chapter by chapter...
A sure sign of "GOOD STUFF"!
Plus, I really, really like hedgehogs.
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