Fic: "Bed Wrinkles In Time" (1/1)

May 11, 2015 16:45

Just a short ficlet from me today. I took a bit of a risk with the decidedly unsexy subject matter; I hope you like it anyway. :)

Bed Wrinkles In TimeBy: caia ( Read more... )

form: fic, rating: other, era: post-series, creator: thisficklemob

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rebcake May 11 2015, 22:32:44 UTC
she was more likely to settle into them if he just faced her head-on and let her thunk into him like a skiff running aground

Perfect language! Awwww. He's learned all her ways, and still is pleased to be her docking station for comfort, among other things.

when he felt cherished, it tended to make him feel amorous

Well, yes.

This is what I want for them! This whole thing is lovely from start to stop.

Edity bit: relationship had survived made the wrinkles conversation


thisficklemob May 12 2015, 01:02:29 UTC
I have a not-so-secret weakness for head-thunking in fic. Barb had a great line for it once, "butted his shoulder like a disconsolate sheep." There's just something about the simpatico and comfort it suggests that I like.

Thanks very much!

And thanks for the edit.


red_satin_doll May 12 2015, 02:37:18 UTC
and still is pleased to be her docking station for comfort, among other things.

Perfect description is perfect. :D


thisficklemob May 13 2015, 22:19:05 UTC
(Stop outdoing me on my fic's comments, rebcake! ;) )


red_satin_doll May 14 2015, 00:49:01 UTC
*LOL* Hey that's what God in Her wisdom made critics and reviewers for, hon.


thisficklemob May 17 2015, 23:33:41 UTC
Oh, wait, you did. I'm losing my marbles. I don't even have the excuse of being in mentalpause. :p

Thank you for your very sweet comments. :)


red_satin_doll May 18 2015, 01:25:44 UTC
Does this mean I can request more fic, pretty please? May your muses favor you again and soon. :D


thisficklemob May 18 2015, 23:13:42 UTC
That's very kind of you! I am a very sporadic writer, but I appreciate your support. :)


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