Icons from "Once More with Feeling"

Apr 11, 2011 16:47

Hi fandom, wow! still you are the better thing inside, how you make this! I'm so glad, nobody loves how you do, you have the heart so strong to go where no one else can, you're in fire all the time, strange and wonderful vibrant people, you are the best example for this theme. And it's the best time ever, I can take one episode like that and laugh ( Read more... )

creator: sintonia, form: icons

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Comments 32

angearia April 11 2011, 19:57:42 UTC
Ooooh! These are gorgeous! \o/

I'm snagging them all, I can't choose. Will credit, of course. Thank you!


sintonia April 11 2011, 22:18:59 UTC
Awww please, thank you for your words, you can take what you want! I'm really glad you like them. And I know, I'll look like a mad but I wait for your fanfic, you write with your heart inside, I can see this.

Btw, just now I'm laughing of my while I try to cross the post, do you know if the cut works there like here? I'll try it.


louise39 April 11 2011, 20:18:18 UTC
So many pretty ones! Love the different backgrounds and the shifting heads.
Took #11 and 19. Thank you


sintonia April 11 2011, 22:37:21 UTC
Thank you so much, I tried to play with the backgrounds and the juxtaposition but I had so many doubts this time, thanks, I'm trying to learn something new.

Kiss for you =)


gillo April 11 2011, 21:53:01 UTC
So very pretty - I love your use of colour! Me gustan multos! (No hablo mucho de espanol, ma quiero estos icones.)


sintonia April 12 2011, 00:39:00 UTC
Look at you! Thank, you make me feel that I belong here, thank you for his words in Spanish, I wasn't waiting for this class of gratefulness, it makes me feel so sheltered.

Gracias, con todo mi corazón.


sintonia April 12 2011, 00:45:07 UTC
your, "your words", my thoughts cross all the time in another language. I'm a mess, I need people as you who speaks to me in Spanish! LOL


(The comment has been removed)

sintonia April 12 2011, 01:26:55 UTC
Yeaa! He appears there like sweet drama queen. You know, after I read "In Their Shoes" of moscow_watcher I have a different thoughts for this icon, if you read you would laugh with me.

Thank you so much, enjoy them, always.


ellievanna April 11 2011, 22:27:56 UTC
Estos son muy hermosas! Me encantan los colores y las efectos de la texturas. Creo que tomar todos, con crédito, por supuesto. Solo hablo un poco de español, pero me gustan sus icons y he usado sus texturas unos veces también!


sintonia April 12 2011, 01:36:49 UTC
Oh please, thanks so much! You know, you never stop speaking the Spanish because you do it beautifully. I want to say - Por favor, nunca dejes de hablar el español porque lo haces preciosamente. Gracias, yo no esperaba un comentario tan bonito como este donde pueda sentirme tan agradecida y feliz.

Un beso enorme!


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