Title: Five Times Spike Died (And One Time He Didn't) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Five ways Spike might have died, and how Buffy might have reacted. Word Count: 1,771 Notes: Thanks to my betas!
Lots of ouch there, especially the early ones when Buffy didn't even know what she'd lost. But the last one made up for them - a real reason for that smile.
Oh man, can I just pause a moment to thank the PTB that Spike was not a Monster of the Week? What we all would have lost! It's too dreadful to contemplate, but you've sketched out a completely plausible way it could have gone in School Hard. *shivers at our close call*
I was worried that Buffy would be the instrument of his death in the Glory scene, but this way was far more beautiful and tragic.
I love that their arguing saves his life in the Hellmouth. Yes, kids. Live to snark another day!
Hee, I loved the snark-filled ending, it's so them. All the deaths were terrific, and felt like they could have happened (and I'm so happy they didn't). The one with Glory was especially great, Buffy's last line there was wonderful.
Comments 34
I was worried that Buffy would be the instrument of his death in the Glory scene, but this way was far more beautiful and tragic.
I love that their arguing saves his life in the Hellmouth. Yes, kids. Live to snark another day!
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