Fic: Fin Amour (5/6)

Jul 01, 2010 00:10

Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000

Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Home and one line borrowed from Spiral-all ( Read more... )

genre: baby/kid/parent fic, form: fic, era: btvs s5, rating: other, creator: angearia

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Comments 11

petzipellepingo July 1 2010, 13:19:20 UTC
Hand splayed across her stomach, she groans. “My water just broke.”

His eyes go wide with panic. “Well, put it back. Unbreak it.”

“I can’t ‘put it back’, you idiot,” she snaps, panting.

“Hold it in, then.”

Hee! Poor Spike.

“Don’t be stupid,” she whispers. There’s tears in her eyes and she’s not sure why ( ... )


angearia July 1 2010, 14:32:21 UTC
I imagine Spike's face from Pangs for that first part: "A bear. You made a bear... Undo it! Undo it!"

"Don't be stupid"/"What other way am I gonna be?" to me feels like saying "I love you" for them.


eowyn_315 July 1 2010, 15:02:26 UTC


angearia July 1 2010, 15:15:45 UTC
Spike... :(


brutti_ma_buoni July 1 2010, 21:00:05 UTC
Oh no. Nonono. Can't stop, must read on. (*Sobs*).


angearia July 1 2010, 21:21:31 UTC


cafedemonde July 2 2010, 12:01:37 UTC
Oh no! Spike what are you thinking? And can I ever express how much a hate Glory?


angearia July 2 2010, 14:18:26 UTC
Oh yeah, Glory is so easy to hate. Spike... :*(


snickfic July 7 2010, 23:01:18 UTC
These comments seem to be getting less coherent as they go. Because I'm having trouble here expressing the intimacy of those moment between Buffy and Spike, who's a gentleman at last, when one's needed.

Also very much like the bit between them about tradeoffs in strength; how stopping to have a baby doesn't mean she's less strong, just... busy, as Spike puts it.

Okay, deep breath.

Grammar niggle: all the places where you have "lay down" should be "lie down"


angearia July 8 2010, 02:31:46 UTC
I'm so happy you see the tradeoff that way. I have to admit, I struggled with the idea that Buffy being out of the fight to have a baby while Spike goes all heroic could perhaps undercut the feminist angle where I'd had Buffy still being the hero throughout. But it's a different kind of strength she's portraying here--she's not less strong, she's "just busy".

expressing the intimacy of those moment between Buffy and Spike, who's a gentleman at last, when one's needed.

That's exactly the feeling I was hoping to express: quiet intimacy.

Thanks for your grammar note!! I had a niggling feeling with that one, but didn't get clarification until now. Though for one of those lines, I feel a bit lost in a poetic sense, but it's best to avoid confusion.ETA: Oh, I wanted to point this out 'cause I think you'll appreciate this: Spike displays such understanding for Dawn's situation in life before she's even born, even helping Buffy to better understand and move past her resentment. It was my attempt at maintaining the Spike/Dawn ( ... )


snickfic July 8 2010, 03:07:44 UTC
I struggled with the idea that Buffy being out of the figh

But the truth is, sometimes the physical violence aspect just isn't the most important thing, which I think is what you showed. Anyway who defines strong womanhood as being physically in charge all the time is missing a whole lot of what strength is, I think. So I approve!

If you're talking about Spike's speech, you could always have him say, "lay us down and die."


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