The fic that I've been working on for this round is still in development, but I didn't want to leave you all hanging without content, so here's a small offering. I hope to have my other fic finished for the Free For All.
Title: Convergence
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: S7
Rating: PG-13
Words: 603
Summary: Set during "Lessons," we learn more about Spike, the
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And thanks for the kind words, TC. It flows like a dream, beautiful and scattered everywhere. - is what I was going for, except perhaps this nightmare is a hell of Spike's own making. When I was working on this I really wanted to capture that amazing melding of imagery that Joss & Co. tried to visually show us during the dreams in "Restless." Just like all the sets got pushed together so characters could run into and between familiar places, I tried to smush and twist similar memories of Spike's together to create this natural flow of thought. It's free association in a lot of ways.
I love the way you make him see himself.
I've always thought a key part of the soul vs. unsouled paradox in the Buffy verse is not just that these vampires feel tremendous guilt for their actions, but they gain insight into how others saw them. They come to understand who and what they were. When faced with the horrifying reality of how much suffering they inflicted, they turn that suffering on themselves. Facing up to the reality of yourself can be a hard thing sometimes, and Spike's seeing it all play out in living color here.
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