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Comments 15

riccadonna June 1 2009, 10:21:24 UTC
This is so much fun! I WISH it was more than three chapters...is anybody listening?
At the second waking Buffy I was a little disoriented, at the third I was all "wait a minute", and then I realized that this is a hell of an idea!
The videogame imagery is so entertaining, as are the dialogues with Miss Skank-a-lot.
Now I'll be very good and I'll keep the other chapter for later. I love this story.


angearia June 1 2009, 14:39:35 UTC
Yay! Glad you're enjoying it. I think I'm happy with the length for right now, lol. I can't handle another WIP at the moment. :)

I hope you enjoy the next chapter just as much!


brunettepet June 4 2009, 23:14:07 UTC
This is delightful. I just wish Spike hadn't drowned his sorrows quite so lavishly. He should be able to recognize his girl. She'll be the one insisiting on saving him! The 'bots supplementary software was hysterical.


angearia June 5 2009, 00:04:01 UTC
Glad you're enjoying it. :D


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