
Sep 27, 2006 12:29

Title: Case Notes on Summers, Buffy
Author: Shadowlass
Summary: Buffy really should have seen a psychologist when she returned in season six, shouldn’t she? Fluffy romance.
Rating: PG

Case Notes on Summers, Buffy )

creator: shadowlass, form: fic, era: btvs s6, rating: other

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Comments 113

kargrif September 27 2006, 20:02:12 UTC
that was a great ficlet, very in character, brilliant job!


shadowlass September 27 2006, 22:46:09 UTC
Thanks. :)


the_nites_gurl September 27 2006, 20:02:34 UTC
I just tell you what!! This was just brilliant!! Loved and totally enjoyed every word! It was just perfect!!! :D The last line was also...just a hoot :D

Thanks for posting!!


shadowlass September 27 2006, 22:46:36 UTC
Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

shadowlass September 27 2006, 22:48:14 UTC
Eeep! Typo repaired. I'm afraid I finished this so late that I didn't have time to get it betaed.

I'm glad you liked it.


gillo September 27 2006, 20:12:53 UTC
That was hysterical! I love the feeble attempts to massage the truth, and the conclusions the shrink jumps to. Miss Summers believes she is dating Billy Idol. Hee.


shadowlass September 27 2006, 22:50:40 UTC

That Billy Idol line was actually the first line I wrote for the fic--in fact, for months it was the only line.


fangfaceandrea September 27 2006, 20:27:06 UTC
This was Bloody brillianT!! it had hystrical moments where I had to laugh out loud, and it made me sad at others and the happy spuffy endig. The dialogue was spot on too.
seriously this story is love :D


shadowlass September 27 2006, 22:51:18 UTC
Aww, thank you!


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