To Love Her

Apr 25, 2006 16:34

Good morning, everyone, or evening, depending on where you are in the world. It happens to be late afternoon here in Ireland.. *wink*. This is my first entry for my posting day, not a long piece, by any stretch, but complete. This fic doesn't fall under the Fairy Tale challenge. The story I'll be posting later today, though, does. Watch for it soon ( Read more... )

creator: limerickgirl, form: fic, era: btvs s5, rating: other

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Comments 49

just_sue April 25 2006, 16:07:34 UTC
Oh, my. As with all you write, beautiful. Am a bit sniffly and a lot smiley right now, and ever envious of your lovely way with words. Thanks ever so for sharing, hun. *hugs* xxx


limerickgirl April 25 2006, 20:38:31 UTC
Sue, *HUGS* ahh thanks, lovie! I'm sorry I made you sniffly, but so delighted to gave you a smile.. *beams and blushes* You're too, too good to me. Thank you so much for your comments, my darlin' friend.


(The comment has been removed)

limerickgirl April 25 2006, 20:42:29 UTC
*BEAMS and HUGS you*!
Mari-luv, thank you so much for your comments on this story, for everything, honey! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
You'd like a sequal? Really? Well now, I'll see what I can do.. *winks*
*more hugs*
Thanks again, darlin'!! :D


gillo April 25 2006, 16:25:04 UTC
Very touching. The poetry is far too good, though. ;-)


limerickgirl April 25 2006, 20:53:02 UTC
*Wide smile*
Ah thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.. and thanks for the comment about the poetry! *grins and blushes* There's a part of me that thinks William withheld his best works, that the good stuff was the very thing he couldn't share with anyone, because of the times, society, what-have-you. I tend to think Drusilla was the only person to ever catch a glimpse of that wickedly creative and imaginative side of living William (from her statements to him just before she turned him, about him 'walking in worlds that the others cannot see' and such..(*giggles* I haven't the exact lines here, sorry!) Anyway, I love to imagine a wicked William, and write Spike with that in mind.. ;) Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! Now that I've submitted my own stories, I can't wait to get reading all the wonderful stories posted from the beginning! :D


gillo April 25 2006, 22:22:35 UTC
It's scary posting in such company, isn't it? But you are very much in teh same league, believe me.

I'm afraid William would have read what he thought was his best stuff to his mother, so we may have seen all there was. But you're right about Dru's perception too.


limerickgirl April 26 2006, 13:21:02 UTC
It is scary, yes! *bites lip* But thank you very much for your kind words. What an encouragement! :)


caegey April 25 2006, 16:33:52 UTC
The story was beautiful and the poetry was lovely. Seems you and I have a lot in common, the most obvious being that we're both North Americans living in Ireland. Do you mind if I friend you?


limerickgirl April 25 2006, 20:56:17 UTC
*HUGE smile* Hello! And thanks so much for your kind comments! I'd be delighted if you friended me, and I'll certainly friend you back! :D It's great to meet you, caegey *big smile*


samifidler April 25 2006, 16:37:30 UTC
And they say romance is dead! no seriously, that was such a satisfying glimpse into his mind, and the seeds that had been sown that would ripen into his love for Buffy.




limerickgirl April 25 2006, 21:11:37 UTC
Ahhh thanks, Sami!! *hugs* Your comments made my day! I'm so happy you enjoyed the story. I hadn't planned this one at all, but it came to me last night, and I had to shove everything aside and get it down before I lost it. *smiles and siffles a little* I'm so happy I've found my Spuffy-love again.


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