Manips: Buffy as Artemis, Spike as Actaeon

Nov 15, 2019 14:32

It's my day! \o/

Title: Buffy as Artemis, Spike as Actaeon
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz

Pics (worksafe, but warning for canon visuals of Spike getting mauled by love):
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era: btvs s6, era: btvs s5, era: indeterminate, rating: other, form: banner/wallpaper/manip, creator: thenewbuzwuzz

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Comments 22

passion4spike November 15 2019, 15:27:40 UTC
Those are very cool myths and I love how you've related them (very aptly!) to Buffy and Spike. Thanks so much for sharing not only the lovely manips/collages but the story!


thenewbuzwuzz November 15 2019, 17:21:43 UTC
Thank you very much for this thoughtful comment. <3 Glad you enjoyed!


teragramm November 15 2019, 16:39:15 UTC
These are lovely! I especially like the 1st one. Nice Job!


thenewbuzwuzz November 15 2019, 17:25:17 UTC
Yay, thank you very much! :))


wolfshadoe November 15 2019, 21:59:03 UTC
Love these! And the commentary 😍
Gives me all sorts of writing thoughts.

Imperfect art as encouragement: I am so damn on board with this! It can be daunting looking at the gorgeous stuff everyone makes, and it's so reassuring to have it pointed out that they might be finding flaws with their own stuff too.


thenewbuzwuzz November 16 2019, 05:21:48 UTC
Aww, thank you so much, Twinkles! *hugs* 💚 I'm thrilled to hear it gave you writing thoughts!


the_wiggins November 16 2019, 04:04:20 UTC
I love this so much! I'm super into mythology and symbolism (as you well know), so thanks not only for making this but for your interesting notes! I'd definitely been thinking that there was some dark Spuffy parallels when I used the Artemis and Actaeon myth in that dream sequence but I didn't read up to much on the subject, so I enjoyed seeing your sources. And of course I'm very pleased and flattered that my story was one of the things that inspired you to make this.

Buffy as Artemis is the one that struck me most initially. I love the color and texture that you achieved in the background and how it still manages to feel very clean visually. (I didn't notice the thing with the hand till you mention it, BTW.) But I also really like the Spike one the more I look into it. There's so much interesting stuff going on. The gold eye is very cool and I love how Buffy's in the center of it and all of Spike's suffering is around the outside. Great work!

P.S. Would it be cool for me to make an icon out of the Buffy one?


thenewbuzwuzz November 16 2019, 06:03:27 UTC
Whoop whoop! \o/ Happy to hear you enjoyed.

"I'd definitely been thinking that there was some dark Spuffy parallels when I used the Artemis and Actaeon myth in that dream sequence"
I DID WONDER. *g* And it just struck me that Artemis/Actaeon is more or less how Drusilla sees Spuffy.

Yeah, the Artemis one was crowded too when I originally made it. But then I took a look at it a few months later, went nope, and threw out a deer and a bunch of flowers and some text, & changed the background.

"P.S. Would it be cool for me to make an icon out of the Buffy one?"
It would be cool in more than one sense of the word! :))) Assuming, of course, you credit me for the base image.


rebcake November 16 2019, 09:00:32 UTC
Nifty! I really go a lot out of your meta about how the myth and the ship correspond. Thought-provoking stuff.


thenewbuzwuzz November 16 2019, 09:07:03 UTC
Yay! :)) Glad you enjoyed! Thank you.


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