Episode RecapThe first episode begins with Buffy unable to sleep until she gets her slaying fix for the evening. From the beginning we know that she is going through something internally. Closer to her nature as the slayer, the act of slaying becomes more and more consuming. Reconciled to her fate as the slayer, Buffy is beginning to embrace it.
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Although you suggest here that Buffy was "acting" with Dracula. I agree that Buffy is good at hiding things, part of the Super Hero skill set. Yet I don't agree that she was faking it with Dracula. She breaks his grip, but for awhile there he had her. There is one moment when she is drinking his blood that I think both sides of her were interested - both the Buffy who's under his spell and the Buffy underneath that is resistent. Seemed very attractive to her to try out the blood, to feed her curiosity - all with the excuse of being under his "thrall."
Great stuff! Thanks for taking part!
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