Reaction fic to "Journey's End"

Jul 07, 2008 01:06

Title: Nine Ways Donna Noble Had a Fabulous Life
Author: ChristinaK (butterflykiki)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Donna, cast of Doctor Who, cast of Torchwood.
Pairings: Donna/OCs, Donna/Lee, Donna/spoiler.
Spoilers: All of Season 4, speculation on Torchwood Season 3.
Warnings: AU's as far as the eye can seeeee, futurefic.
Disclaimer: Written so fast it's basically flash-fic. Oh, and all the characters belong to the BBC and various others, but I'm kidnapping Donna to give her a break.
Summary: Nine different ways Donna forgot and rebuilt.

1. Noble/Nobel.
2. Trickster theory.
3. Chain Reaction.
4. Once upon a time...
5. With a little help from some friends.
6. Ice cream and pudding.
7. Wendy went back.
8. Not Flydale North.
9. Crazy Acid Gun
10. Coda.

(9 and 10 to be added and written tomorrow. Each part is separate and complete as-is.)

FINISHED! *links to this*

fic: au

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