Miss Noble Goes to Cardiff, Part Four

Aug 23, 2008 02:12

 Title: Miss Noble Goes to Cardiff
Author: me!
Rating: PG 13 for erm....peril type stuff (it's perfectly clean, just gets a bit....erm, not really violent so much as dangerous....I'd rather overrate than underrate in other words)
Warnings:  again, peril type stuff....and big honking JE spoilers, mah dears
Characters/Pairing: Doctor and Donna only in this chapter.  Sorry Torchwood addicts, tune in next time and I'll feed you a bit.
Notes: I still don't own these characters.  Sad day for me.  Oh, and sorry for the delay, I couldn't decide what to do with this fic so it took me forever to rework everything kind of the way I wanted it.  Chapter's a bit rubbish, but I did my relative best.  Oh, and thanks to  nschickfor her lovely beta services, although the chapter's changed a TON since she read it lol.  You're still awesome, love.  Incidentally, I'm not posting the next chapter until I get at least 10 reviews for this one.  I told you....I'm a comment whore, lol.
More Notes:  Wow.  I thought I'd posted this here.  Anyway, enjoy.

Playing ketchup?  :p
Chapter One:  http://sonicgirl2005.livejournal.com/3652.html#cutid1
Chapter Two:  http://sonicgirl2005.livejournal.com/3941.html#cutid1
Chapter Three:  http://sonicgirl2005.livejournal.com/4413.html#cutid1

And the elusive chapter four:  http://sonicgirl2005.livejournal.com/6086.html#cutid1

fic: fixit

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