Oct 10, 2005 21:50
We were the first car at a red light. A beat up muddy colored Chevy was sitting in the middle of the intersection. The light changed. No cars moved. No cars could. A woman jumped out of the Chevy and her young son slid over behind the wheel. From the driver’s door, she tried to push the truck - it sat there.
It seemed like time stopped for a few minutes and then across the intersection, a tall cowboy hat clad fella jumped out of a big white Toyota Tacoma. He rushed to the back of the Chevy and started to push. Then a short cowboy hat wearing fella jumped out of the car behind us. Then, like a cartoon, 4 men had joined the 2 cowboys - each jumping out of their vehicles, running with intention to sections of the truck, like magnets.
They each performed as if this was what they did at every intersection. Their timing was perfect. Their movement perfectly blocked. The ensemble effect was incredible. I got to witness one of the best performances I’ve seen in a long time and it only cost me one street light revolution.