In a Nutshell

Mar 02, 2009 00:07

Bill's job seems to be going very well despite the merger. He is challenged and satisfied and we're all grateful he simply has a job but to like it as well just makes life better.
My job on the home front is often exhausting but I'm still not wishing to be anywhere but here. The girls keep me on my toes; the house keeps me in motion and the animals keep me in check.

Latest Endeavors
Prepping the yard for a concrete path and more landscaping
Simplifying further the contents of our home
Pursuing a life of voluntary simplicity - one step at a time
Securing items necessary for emergencies

While we still owe on the Saturn (0%), the house, and my education, we will have no credit card debt in a few weeks. Unbelievable!
Recently well spent: Apple's one to one program

I halved the dose of one of my two and while still experiencing an occasional burst of disproportionate anger, all actually seems to be okay.

Biggest Happiness Makers
Singing with my kids
Laughing with Bill (usually at someone)
Eating more mindfully

Biggest Concerns
Getting on an airplane in May with my girls
Really liking the things at Anthropologie

Things I Like Best for Baby
Baby Bjorn Bouncer
Dr. Brown bottles

Things I Like Best For Toddler
Instant Watch on Netflix
Bubble paper

Whether to add Bill's last name to mine in honor of our anniversary
Whether to appeal the speeding by (new) camera ticket
Whether to pursue home schooling, radical unschooling, or public school


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