Why this guy hatin' on me?

Nov 23, 2009 19:51

Future, originally uploaded by Seashu.
So, there's this guy....and we, um, kinda....

Dislike each other. Should I add with a passion? Or not...?

This is all a rant, so if you don't want to read it, it's okay. :)

Okay, the reason I say dislike is because I don't exactly hate him because I don't want him to die and vice versa. The reason I dislike him so much is because he's so freakin' mean!

And before anyone says he likes me, he made it very clear he does not want to date me. He actually said, "I would never date you," in my face and I never even asked! So I was just like, okay, nice to know, I guess? Didn't really say anything, I don't like to become angry at people, but he's pissed me off too much, so I have to blog about it. He actually really likes this girl, but I don't know who...I think it's my friend, I'm almost positive it's her, but...eh.

Also, to even make it worse, he had to include his guy cousin's name that everybody does not like because he's annoying. (I gave him a chance and I saw as a boyfriend, he's controlling.) So, the exact words were, "I'd rather date him than I'd date you."

So, I'm not that offended, but I'm just like, "How could you say that to me? How could you say that to a person? That's so mean!"

Okay, I admit it. I'm not "sexy" or anything. I'm me. I don't try to grow up faster than I should be. I don't feel comfortable wearing mini skirts and super tight shirts. That's just not me. I'm just...innocent.
This is me by the way:

That's not it either. Once day, he said I would never get laid. All right...? He wasn't joking either I believe. Okay, let that pass by.

Also said I would never get a boyfriend, by this point I'm about to punch his little face.

Finally, I was talking to one of my friends about my crush and he read the conversation (IM) and went like, "Aww, you have a little crushy-wushy?" Now, I know this was a joke, so I smiled, but he had to include by trying to guess who it was. So, he asked, "Who's the nerdiest guy in our school?"

Heck, I would've slapped him if it wasn't virtual. You know those times, you want to slap someone so hard, so they'll never mess with you again? Yeah, kind of what I felt like.

And if you want to know his personality, he laughs at everything perverted, he SAYS he's matured (I doubt it), and is one of those guys at school who don't do anything--well, how do I describe it...he's like those guys you see in a movie who goes like, "Hey sexy" and the girl is like "Eww, get away from me," and the whole gang laughs? Yeah, that would describe him the best.

Now, I just have one question, what the hell did I ever do to make you like this towards me?

Oh, P.S., he doesn't make my self-esteem low, just really, REALLY pisses me off. Although, I never seem to react, I don't know, I've TRIED, killing him with kindness. Apparently, I can't be kind and kill him at the same time. ;-; Haha, jk. I've tried for him not to get to me, but it's gone too far.


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