Unrecognized Beauty, originally uploaded by
***Note: Sorry if it sounds like a lecture, but I'm trying to rant and get my thoughts out on this. Also, sounds off-topic at times. :P
I've always underestimated the power of photoshop. This tool can be used for good or evil. It can make someone more slender or it can make someone with a different body. Or, it can simply be made to make an image look better like I did with my photograph above.
I've always hated it when people tell me I should become fatter, but I've always hated it even more when people tell me that they want to be skinny like me. Um, hello? I'm a stick! Why in the world would you want to be like me? And of course, there always is a source to a problem and I found it. It's basically the media.
Now, people are throwing up just to be like people in those ads and be like models, but ask yourself dear America, is it really worth it? Why conform to another person's image of beauty? Why should it matter in the first place? I know you've all heard this all before but just remember, if they can't accept you for who you are, not worth it.
Now, why am I writing this? Because it sometimes seems like I'm the only one who doesn't care about what other people think of me (I try my best to look good though, but for myself) and I'm the only one who dresses to please myself. And a lot of people have low self-esteem. I know this sounds conceited, but I love myself! And you should too because I love you for who you are. You're gold baby. ;D So, put away all the makeup, the hair curlers, the over the top dresses, and just please yourself whether it means just wearing jeans and a t-shirt or sweats. :)