Feb 18, 2009 00:27
Oh, how beautiful
the life that stirs within us
Oh, and yet, how cruel.
it comes and goes in cycles
like the ocean tide.
Such fated waters
wrap the time into its foam;
carry it away.
I do not give chase
nor comb through its shores to find
the year it captured.
I relinquish it
to this world's greedy waves
with my gratitude.
Grateful, for I know
No matter how strong the ebb,
I'll drift back to you.
[ooc: ffff I know the valentines curse was supposed to be a one-day thing or whatevs' but shhh don't spoil the fun for me DX;; I was busy and this just worked out too nicely to backdate it, considering the 17th marked a certain gay angel's first full year here. Lol Tabris, you WOULD show up on the 17th, wouldn't you? Pbbft. ]
happy siebenversery~!,
valentine's day?,
history repeats itself,
hibou hijinks,
philosophical moment