Dec 01, 2005 09:44
My supply of books to read at the gym is completely depleted, and today I had to do without. It was pretty unpleasant, so, afterwards, I finally got up the courage to ascend the imposing granite steps and enter the forbidden castle that is Widener Library.
" you all books?" My little voice echoes in the massive dome above me.
"Feection?" the man at the desk says in a haughty French accent. "Do you have a particular title een mind?"
"Um...not really. I just want...a book. You know, to read. Like, for fun."
"Oh. I see. What language do you look for? Latin? Freench? Eenglish?"
What the heck? Do I look like I enjoy reading in other languages for fun? Do I look like I'm even literate in other languages? Is it such a far-fetched idea that I might want to read something...I don't know...non-academic? "Umm...never mind. I don't need a book after all." And I ran for my life.
Never again.