1. name: sara ann roszkowski! 2. age: 16, almost 17 3. where on earth do you live?: dearborn, michigan, u-nited states 4. what makes you happy?: music, jokes, laughter, my friends 5. what have you been listening to lately?: lots of no doubt, tori amo, fall out boy, the usual. 6. do you enjoy reading my LJ?: yes, when i actually have time! 7. if so, why?: no special reason, just 'cause you're my friend :] 8. interesting fact about you: umm i always secretly wished that i had taken dance when i was little. i still do. 9. are you in love at the moment?: meh. 10. favourite destination: chicago 11. favourite quote: mr. coleman: 'sometimes i just think about going back to selling wholesale dairy... ' 12. What's your screenname?: killl sara 13. will you post this in your LJ?: no because no one will do it anyway lmao
1. a movie: johnny dangerously 2. a book: the rose and the beast by francesca lia block (fairytales retold) 3. a band, song or album: fall out boy ((band))
Comments 2
1. name: sara ann roszkowski!
2. age: 16, almost 17
3. where on earth do you live?: dearborn, michigan, u-nited states
4. what makes you happy?: music, jokes, laughter, my friends
5. what have you been listening to lately?: lots of no doubt, tori amo, fall out boy, the usual.
6. do you enjoy reading my LJ?: yes, when i actually have time!
7. if so, why?: no special reason, just 'cause you're my friend :]
8. interesting fact about you: umm i always secretly wished that i had taken dance when i was little. i still do.
9. are you in love at the moment?: meh.
10. favourite destination: chicago
11. favourite quote: mr. coleman: 'sometimes i just think about going back to selling wholesale dairy... '
12. What's your screenname?: killl sara
13. will you post this in your LJ?: no because no one will do it anyway lmao
1. a movie: johnny dangerously
2. a book: the rose and the beast by francesca lia block (fairytales retold)
3. a band, song or album: fall out boy ((band))
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