Title: Teaching By Example
Author: seashell14
Rating: G
Fandom: HL/Holby City
Notes: I'm not really capable of writing anything resembling a plot, so I give you a plotless drabble instead. Do I sound like an owner to you?
Teaching By Example
He had always been a teacher.
Teaching his brothers that the calculated risk can be as exciting as the impulsive one (and often more profitable.)
Teaching his slaves and servants that understanding how best to meet another’s needs-while being aware of one’s own-can be a source of great control and freedom (all the more potent for being generally unrecognized.)
Teaching his students to be honest with themselves-and most especially with him. (Being very careful never to explicitly or implicitly promise them honesty in return. From his position, the greatest form of honesty possible.)
Teaching that assumptions are seldom accurate, often dangerous and occasionally…deadly.
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