Well, I guess it's here. Fall. Technically it's still summer, but everything screams fall.
I swear, three leaves fell from our tree the other day and Patrick ran out to buy the goods to make a couple pumpkin pies.
Yesterday he pulled Jack's outside toys into the shed. He covered the firewood with the big ol' blue tarp.
And today makes day three of needing (and making) a fire in our wood stove. Good Gods. I mean really.
I'm not ready for this. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
I'm a girl who likes to be warm. Our house/cabin is ALWAYS cold. It's often warmer outside. There is ALWAYS a breeze blowing through some crack somewhere in our home. I try my best to seal things up ... it's just an old place is all. Now that summer is saying so long, it's only going to get colder. Oh, we also have no insulation here...no special windows
I sit here right now with a sniffly nose and cold hands. Boo Hoo. poor little ol' me.
I checked out a ton of photos taken by wonderful patrick roddy.
Pictures from this year's Burning Man.
Oh how i long to go back. If i'm not there in or by the year 2010....i don't know what!
2004 was my one and only, yet it felt so comfortable, so familiar, so unpredictable...my kind of space.
patrick and
myself spent a moment with mr.roddy ... i'm so grateful for these photos ... they capture
I'm actually in a good mood right now despite the bitches. !!!
Jack has been taking naps that range from 2-3 hours!!!!! Stoked! However, not yesterday nor today. I guess cause we both have tiny colds & feel out of normal sorts?.?.?.?
I tried to help a friend with her quikbooks the other eve. I felt like such an idiot. Soooooo out of touch with that world. I also started some work in photoshop. That is coming out kinda suck as well.
I think what i need to "be" is a professional shopper. I will see things that i know would be perfect for this or that.
Maybe a window display artist. Or a catalogue/magazine photoshoot setter upper. Aaaaaaaa. Breathe.
I'm going to have to get a real job again someday. And that someday is coming sooner than i'm ready for.
I'm a mom.
Someday we'll get married. I really look forward to our day. I've been thinking a lot about it these past few days. Guess that means we're getting closer eh!?!?!
I've also been thinking of tattoos. For me. Cherry Blossom Trees. Clouds.
A Jack. ***
I'm a little bored these days.
I can't believe winter is nipping at my heels. I'll keep chasing the sun as long as i can.
I really would love to get at least one more hot sunny day at the river in this year.
Must get some indoor rainy projects ready for the boy and i. Finger Painting anyone?!?!?!?!
Time to make some eggs!