Sep 17, 2010 22:45
[Ever since he woke up this morning, Roxas has been seeing ghostly apparitions of both Axel and Xion, his two best friends who he's fought with and either hurt or killed. They've both been glaring at him, and while Roxas has been trying to ignore them, it's been getting worse as the day goes on. Especially with the Xion apparition, since he has no idea who she is, but feels like he should know her. But he knows why Axel's there, and has tried to explain, but it's failed.
In an attempt to get rid of these apparitions, Roxas made the mistake of going outside, and the nightmare fog has hit him full force. He ended up seeing an apparition of DiZ, or in his mind "the guy in red" who Roxas can't stand because he says that Roxas shouldn't exist. He's tried to attack DiZ several times, each time failing, and so he's kind of banged up. All the while, DiZ has been lecturing him on why he shouldn't exist.]
You said it yourself, no one would miss you. You were never meant to exist in the first place.
Shut up! I deserve to exist as much as anyone! Why shouldn't I?
Without you, Sora can't wake up.
Yes, he can! He already did! I met him.
But then he disappeared. What if he's stuck, still asleep? Then what? Will you keep existing despite that?
I...I....[Roxas stammers. He's met Sora, and come to like him. Would he wish that on his Other? To stay asleep while he keeps travelling? But then, what about Sora's promise? What about his goals? Why isn't he allowed to have any? What if he really is keeping Sora asleep? Doesn't Sora get to exist to? He's already hurt people he cares about to stay alive.]
[At this point the pokegear falls to the ground and the video feed clicks on. You can sort of see Roxas, looking a little worse for the wear collapse against a tree, holding a stick. It's a little hard to see him, since his hood's up and it's black, but you might be able to see some of his hair poking out. He's not really responding to anything.
Sparky, being concerned about why his trainer's acting all weird, tries to wake Roxas up, through various means, including shocking his trainer]
Pi--chu? Pi--chu! Pikapika....KA-CHU! KA-CHU!
[The thundershocks aren't working, so Sparky runs to the gear, chattering and trying to get help]
[ooc: Most of Roxas's nightmares revolve around the fact that he has hurt his best friends, and basically wondering about his own worth and reason to exist. Especially in the sense of, if he's here and decides to stay here, will Sora ever wake up in their world? Since Roxas has come to know Sora, is it fair to force him to keep sleeping?
Roxas's conversation with Apparition!DiZ is all audio. And now he's just sort of panicked himself unconscious, and probably won't be able to respond. You'll probably just get a scared Pikachu telling you to come help him, and when Roxas wakes up, he won't want to talk to people all that much.]
you mean i actually lost?,
i'm supposed to be strong,
mood: lost and confused,
mood: angry,
but what if,
pokemon: pikachu,
anger leads to mistakes,