Day 32 [Video]

Jun 28, 2011 19:45

[It's been a rough couple of days for Roxas. Between fighting Shedinja to exhaustion and finding out Sora was gone, he hasn't been feeling the greatest. But at least Xion's awake so he doesn't really have that to worry about anymore. Not knowing what else to do, Roxas decided to get a job, and there was one on a boat so he took it, assuming it was an extension of a pokemart job. So, he loaded a bunch of boxes on to a boat and they said he'd get supper, so that's where he was when he fell asleep. The job was just supposed to be a way to keep busy, to prevent himself from thinking about everything that happened, so he didn't really pay attention to the fact that he was on the Cianwood Ferry.


If you knew he was in Olivine, Roxas has been missing for about a day now. The transmission comes when he's woken up and realized what happened. It's meant to be filtered to Namine and Xion, but he failed at that. He does sound rather sheepish when he speaks.]

Uh...I'm on my way to Cianwood City. I got a job on a boat, but I didn't know it was the ferry.

I'm alright, but I guess I can't really get back to Olivine right now. I'll be back as soon as I can.


[Even though he feels bad he can't really contain the wonder on his face as he looks out at the ocean. He's never really seen anything like it, that he can remember, so he's pretty amazed.]

i'm on a boat, mood: amazed, mood: sheepish, the ocean's really big, *xion, *namine, sora, dealing with emotions, *ventus, maybe a little lost, on the road again, *watanuki kimihiro, *cecil harvey, i will travel across the land, *minnie mouse, technology fail, location: route 40

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