Day 24 - [Video/Action for Goldenrod]

Jan 23, 2011 16:35

[The feed switches on to show a room at the inn. From the pictures hanging on the wall, you can probably guess that it's Namine's room. Roxas is resting at the foot of the bed, Sparky sleeping on his head again.]

Uh...if anyone was wondering, Namine's alright. She just feel asleep.

[There's a pause, and Roxas looks like he's going to ask another ( Read more... )

slow tags like usual, part-sora, i won't leave, question, life's a learning experience, location: goldenrod city, pokemon: pikachu, no sense of humour, location: inn

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[Video] 1/4? used_slackoff January 24 2011, 02:22:22 UTC
[...What kind of a kid asks that question? Especially one of his apparent age? He had to have been living in a hole, or completely socially inept.

And considering he'd been here long enough to become jealous of someone... Probably socially inept.]


[Video] 2/4 used_slackoff January 24 2011, 02:23:20 UTC

This is Roxas, right?]


[Video] 3/4 used_slackoff January 24 2011, 02:24:21 UTC
[Or is this Ven. Gd these twins.

OKAY brb looking at the other responses--]


[Video] 4/4 used_slackoff January 24 2011, 02:26:26 UTC
[...iiiin which no one mentions his name. That would be her luck.

......Fang's totally just going to play it cool like she knows. B|]

If you respond with laughter, that's a good indication.


[Video] seasalttwilight January 24 2011, 03:22:30 UTC
So I should be able to tell?


[Video] used_slackoff January 24 2011, 03:24:30 UTC
[What is this kid even--]

Uh. Yeeaaah...?


[Video] seasalttwilight January 24 2011, 03:53:06 UTC
[It's complicated!]

What if I'm not good at that?


[Video] used_slackoff January 24 2011, 04:24:51 UTC
[This face for a few seconds, although she doesn't say anything.]


[Video] used_slackoff January 24 2011, 04:26:28 UTC
You're sayin' that you lack a sense of humor.

[And while she knew people who also lacked a sense of humor Lightning, they simply chose to lack it because they had sticks up their butts.]


[Video] seasalttwilight January 24 2011, 04:29:13 UTC
[Roxas used Brain Break. It's super effective. But in all seriousness, he really doesn't have one.]

I guess so. I've never really thought about it.


[Video] used_slackoff January 24 2011, 04:33:04 UTC
[Fang's brain is being broken far too much these days. It's a wonder how it still functions. Although, apparently not well, judging by her and Zuko's converstaion.]

You've... never laughed before?


[Video] seasalttwilight January 24 2011, 05:00:56 UTC
Yeah, I have. But it was...awhile ago. I can't remember why.


[Video] used_slackoff January 24 2011, 05:15:03 UTC
Can't remember? You got memory problems?


[Video] seasalttwilight January 24 2011, 05:25:53 UTC
I think so. It's really hard to explain. It feels like something's missing sometimes.


[Video] used_slackoff January 26 2011, 01:06:39 UTC got amnesia?

[Not that it would affect his sense of humor, but suddenly this is more interesting.]


[Video] seasalttwilight January 26 2011, 01:59:53 UTC
I don't know. Maybe.

[Technically yes]


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