Jul 20, 2006 05:01
the hours of the night seem to go by so fast. life has been slightly odd lately. but then when is it not.. music.
how it can be so influencial, and revolutionary. or passionate and soulful. or everything wonderful combined into a sound that could perhaps please other lifeforms. life is inside of us and inside every living thing. it is exceptional and music is life in.....
holy fuck. i just saw a huge ass spider crawl acrosss the hardwood. its under the garbage bag full of european dolls. since i havent slept yet, this means ive been chainsmoking for several several hours. except the four hours i worked, ive had a smoke dangling outta my mouth once or twice an hour.
im expecting to pass out soon from wehat ive consumed. but i want to see the sunrise i just dont want to end up falling asleep on someones laaaawn. heh. godk nows where one can end up.