Dear Kelsey, this is an update.

Oct 29, 2007 12:48

3rd block started today. My Physical Geology class reminds me of Earth Science. We discussed earthquakes, and that involved an activity. The entire class went outside and lined up. Then, we put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us. Emily, our professor, then pushed the person at the back. This activity demonstrated the activity of primary waves during an earthquake. Wow.

I'm still struggling to get used to calling professor's by their first names. The concept seems so foreign... I wish that it came easier!

Boy-thing hasn't talked to me for a while, which helps me have time to think. I'm struggling with the decision to call and figure things out, or to just let him take his time so as not to seem needy.

At least Chris pretended to know what he wanted. For a little while. We had a conversation about exes, which I think I mentioned before. Boy-thing promises to be a "good guy" but I am unsure. Once again, the uncertainty kills me. *falls to the ground, saying "I am slain!"* Also, boy-thing is only four inches taller than me. It is very adorable... he's a hairy gent, which is not cute.

I wish I could convince myself to be more, how to put it... ballsy? If I knew what I wanted and was courageous enough to claim it, things would be easier.
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