Dec 15, 2004 20:46
Well, I went shopping...again. Got a raccon beanie, he was just so cute! Anyways, I had a nightmare last night, freaked me out. I was at work (I work at a bank if you don't know, then again, anyone reading this would), along with 3 other tellers, when someone robbed us. This time, I freaked out. When I got up this morning, I looked, and the 3 tellers in my dream were all gonna be working the same time as me. So I've been freaking all day. Anyways, 6 rolled around, and we didn't get robbed, so, woohoo, no robbery, but now I feel like a moron. Tomorrow is my last college final woohoo! I hate my math class and my math teach, I can't wait to be out of it. Well, that's all I can think of to talk about. Ja all!