I think a student has a crush on me.

Apr 08, 2008 16:32

I'm not being vain. This never occurred to me last semester, or even this semester, until the past week. A student keeps staying after class to talk to me about stuff related to papers. Big deal right? Then today he didn't have anything essay-related to ask. Just wanted to talk about movies. That's cool. I like movies. (DUH!) Then we walked outside the building (I was done for the day) and I was like okay bye. I walked in my direction, was waiting for a truck to park so I could keep walking, and he chased up behind me and sort of punched my bookbag. "Rosebud" he said. "what?" (I asked, sort of disoriented, because I thought I walked away from him a minute ago). He was like, "you haven't seen citizen kane"? "yeah I have, but you caught me off guard" He said "ok bye" and ran off. Was that worth the effort of chasing me down? No, not really. I jinxed myself this morning when I told a colleague of mine that no one ever macks on me. Derrick laughed at me when I told him about this. I just don't want this to escalate to the point where I have to tell my student that talking can become inappropriate. I love that he wants to learn, and I love that he's one of the only students in my class who is interested in film and knew that Charlton Heston died (all my other students were like derrr I don't know who that is), but I'm very much TAKEN and I also wouldn't fuck a student. It's odd.

Oh, and this shirt is KICKASS

Also Jackson, I have a great writing exercise worked out for Thursday. I usually post them on Thursday around 12:15 PM (3:15 your time). If you end up doing any of the assignments, I want to see what you come up with.
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