The boys decide...

Feb 12, 2005 00:45

FREIND 1: y'kno, i  wonder sumtimes, what chics would think of themselves if they could see themselves in a guy's eye
simplyUalone: i wish i could
FRIEND 1: an, i could care less, but i think it'd be a good laugh to see how other chics see me
simplyUalone: oh yea?
FRIEND 1: yea, i think it'd be a darn good laugh
simplyUalone: i really want to know what guys think of me
FRIEND 1: sure
simplyUalone: i'm serious
FRIEND 1: an' i'll even input my own, free of charge
FRIEND 1: ok then
FRIEND 1: le's see
simplyUalone: haha
FRIEND 1: well, i have to honestly admit, when u truly smile, i think ur a really beautiful person
simplyUalone: me?
simplyUalone: wow
simplyUalone: interesting
simplyUalone: i've never believed that i was beautiful
FRIEND 1: but, sumtimes, u jus look so caught up in stuff, u rearely ever see that 'beautiful smile' kind alike its forced
simplyUalone: yeah
simplyUalone: its true
FRIEND 1: guys're always gonna find u attractive, its jus part of bein' a girl
FRIEND 1: guys are naturally attracted to girls
FRIEND 1: and they notice attractive features
simplyUalone: i'm so caught up in stuff i don't have time to be naturally happy
simplyUalone: haha
simplyUalone: i am always told i should smile more often
simplyUalone: i just don't always feel like i should
FRIEND 1: well, when u walk, try slowin' down a lill
simplyUalone: i'm not that happy of a person
simplyUalone: haha
simplyUalone: i do walk fast
simplyUalone: i always have
FRIEND 1: u always walk like u have been issued a mission and the lives of thousands depend on its completion as soon as possible
simplyUalone: but i'm alwyas goin somewhere
simplyUalone: haha
FRIEND 1: dude, jus slo down a lil, an' smell the roses a lil, an' i bet u'll be a lot happier
FRIEND 1: well, i think that was it, u've already got the rest down
simplyUalone: whats the rest?
FRIEND 1: i don' wanna try to over compliment u when i say this, but if u jus take in sum o' the beauty around u, u could compete for 'most beautiful of the year award or sumthin'

FRIEND 2: hmmmm, you're a very nice person, sometimes you expect too much, and you get really worked up over things sometimes that you shouldnt. You faith makes you every strong and I admire you for how religious you are, way more than I could ever manage to be.

FRIEND 2: ok, here's how I always viewed it
simplyUalone: ok
FRIEND 2: I minimums for brains and beauty
FRIEND 2: or all guys do
FRIEND 2: just some are higher than others
FRIEND 2: you're way above both in my view
simplyUalone: thanks
FRIEND 2: a girl thats got a totally cool attitude that is just sloppy fat wont cut it, sorry call me materialistic
simplyUalone: haha
FRIEND 2: however a really dumb bitch who is really hot wont either
simplyUalone: its true
FRIEND 2: its a balance
FRIEND 2: for some reason I always find myself going for athletic brunettes who like to laugh
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