Jun 01, 2006 00:26
Ya know what I find funny? No. scratch that. I used to find it somewhat comical. now it just plain pisses me off. Everybody in the whole fucking world thinks they are alone. EVERYBODY thinks that they (and only they) are the ONE who doesn't "have" somebody. everybody. everybody thinks that no one else gets it. That no one else could possibly understand. that no one else can feel their pain. this german guy, rainer maria rilke, one of my favorite poets, he got it. yeah, quoting poetry... cheesy, i know, but i don't give a fuck because it makes sense. he said, "... all men, who hate each other, creep together in one common bed for sleep..." He just gets it. We all secretly hate each other a little bit, because we're all able to fool each other. We're all able to make other people think we're really happy and good. when in reality, the majority of us (and yes, i used to be this way to,) wish we were somebody else. because we feel alone. and when we buy each other's lies, we spite each other. we loathe each other because everybody else seems to have what we don't. It's all rediculous. We all, at the end of the day, sleep in the same bed. The same bed of loneliness. Of wanting something or someone we can't have. And until we all look in the god damn mirror and realize that we have to fucking love ourselves before we're ever going to be truly happy, then we're all going to keep on thinking we're the only ones.