Feb 12, 2010 16:01
- 17:14 Okay this is my last week of fast food. With moes gone it should be easy. #
- 17:15 And last week without an exercise regimen. My back has been feeling good enough to run on the treadmil so no excuses! #
- 21:31 @ CodeNameT haha awesome!! Did you win it? #
- 21:33 *glares at old favorite jeans* I will fit into you again old friends, I promise. I'm shooting for July! 2 lbs per week should get me there #
- 21:36 I'm pretty sure all my intestines just died. They died, exploded, and turned into a black hole that's eating all my insides. Omg help #
- 21:36 Huets so bad #
- 21:45 @ _littlesparrow I LOVE your hair!!! #
- 21:57 @ CodeNameT i see #
- 22:19 Just gonna keep my mouth shut this time #
- 22:46 @ xxxandra LOl yes, I would. #
- 22:47 my stomach has calmed down a bit, thank god. i seriously thought i was gonna die #
- 22:49 26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kxpc0kewVb1qzub73o1_250.gif lmao @ShannonLeto & Matt Wachter #
- 22:56 tomorrow is scrubbing bubbles day at work... i love scrubbing bubbles day! it's always so clean afterwords! #
- 23:01 twitpic.com/12pjlw - Two words: Arm. Porn. #
- 23:24 twitpic.com/12pnp4 - Chester @ Projekt Revolution 2008. Miss this day!! #
- 23:25 twitpic.com/12pnti - I got some of the best pics at that show #
- 23:26 twitpic.com/12pnya - Is it time for this yet? I wanna be warm. #
- 00:23 Stomach is feeling like death again blech. 5 more minutes and i can go home #
- 04:29 You might feel as if you are going through the motions today, ... More for Taurus twittascope.com/twittascope/?sign=2 #
- 12:00 Gotta go buy dog food, get an oil change, and eBay shop for an e collar! #
- 12:11 @ kleemoon happy birthday! #
- 12:15 @ kleemoon you're very welcome #
- 12:30 @ tomofromearth awh man, if you were in cleveland i'd come find you! especially if the pizza deal is still on.. sound so delicious! #
- 13:06 RT HAPPY BIRTHDAY @adamalt!!! Everyone should say Happy Birthday to fantastic fella!!!
#happybirthdayadamalt # - 14:26 @ ShannonLetoArmy awh what's wrong? #
- 15:53 only one more week with this shitty replacement phone.. i can handle it! #
- 15:56 I have so much money.. wanna finish these bills so bad but I am waiting on @30SECONDSTOMARS US dates. HURRY UP GUYS #
- 15:57 @ ShelbiNikol yeah same... i'm getting really impatient. #
- 15:58 to mail in these registration papers or wait... decisions, decisions. I have 'til 3/31.. guess I can wait. #
- 15:59 tik...tok....tik....tok..... *plays jeopardy music* #
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