how dare allison's boyfriend (teitur) rip off my story!

Jan 09, 2004 16:59

I feel like I'm beginning to reacquaint myself with the world of high school, so I figured I would get back into the habit of journaling. (Although I'm not sure if I ever truly was in the habit, but that's no matter). Yes, I'm afraid I am part of the cursed race of delinquent journallers. But this way I keep you in a constant state of yearning and suspense, making you check my journal (or your friends page) everyday in hopes that I have bestowed the world with my splendiferous thoughts. (Someone deflate me please).

Christmas break was enjoyable, or the five or so days I could possibly consider a vacation. I was very productive over break, though, succeeding in infecting the entire household with whatever dreadful illness I had acquired. Oh, I completed nine college applications as well and wrote about twelve essays, but that's all a piece of cake, right? Anyway, Megan's New Year's Eve Party was a rockin' good time, much like Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve. ("Something Dan doesn't use!" "Matt has one of these several times a day") I do hope my own "College Applications Are Done" Party wasn't too shabby. The turnout was great, the Queer Eye was hilarious, and the piñata was a hoot (uh, sort of). And God, we are such party animals. Board games two nights in a row? Let's not let things get out of hand here. I absolutely loved the unit we just finished in Econ that concentrated on exchange rates. I could not help but smile as I sipped my coffee and thought of "I Love Lucy" dollar bills. Now, Jon and Dan, finish designing the game so Megan, Mary, and I can get some extra credit!

Since I seem to be a sucker for the hackneyed, token, requisite journal entries, I now present you with

I'm torn between whether or not I have should have a few core resolutions on which to concentrate or a bunch of little ones (you know, increase the number of resolutions, increase the probability of me keeping at least one). Perhaps a mix is best? Or is that worst?

1. Stop procrastinating.
2. Stop cracking my knuckles.
3. Stop being so damn sensitive.
4. Drink more milk.
5. Finish the four college apps that are due next week.
6. Don't freak out about college.
7. Maintain all of my friendships, especially when I go away.
8. Trust people more (although I have gotten much better).
9. Get more sleep.
10. Don't get senioritis.
11. Meet Conan O'Brien, the Fab Five, or the Olsen Twins.

There are more, but I consider those to be more friends-only material. So if you're curious, ask me, and perhaps I'll tell you.

So what have I gotten myself into? I am now frequently terrified (no, that word's too strong) of coming online and answering the phone. The fourth graders are harrassing me! No, it's kind of fun... especially when they annoy Dan, hehe. I do feel bad that they discovered his screen name and have IMed him. I'm also wary of corrupting them given the information in my profile. But what can you do? I must say that the fourth grade chatrooms are quite happening, with the misspelled Spanish and the hot pink fonts. Oh, and hearing "Stacy's Mom" and Hilary Duff over the phone? PART-AY. However, what is the best and funniest thing that has escaped from the fourth graders as a result of our online conversations? "LAURA AND DAN NEED TO GO TO EACH OTHER'S HOUSES AND MAKE OUT IN THE CLOSET." Oh man, that had me cracking up.

Apparently some fourth grader doesn't like me. Yes, I have been dissed by a nine-year-old. Over break I saw one of my fourth graders, Victoria, in Pittsford Plaza. She was among others, her friends and family, I'm assuming. I paid little attention to the other girls. However, today Amanda informed me that Rachel, Victoria's friend, does not like me. Apparently my voice does not please her, as it is too squeaky. And I was too excited and made too many gestures when I saw Victoria. It appears that we have the makings of a bitch on our hands, eh? No no, I don't truly mean that, but geez, I'm sorry that I'm excited to see my fourth graders and that I generally have an air of enthusiam when talking to little kids. I sometimes wish I could eradicate these pre-bitchy girls. No, I don't mean eradicate, like purge the world of their existence through genocide, but I wish to squander that seed of bitchiness that lies within them. Vanquish it before it germinates and we have the next [perhapsIshouldn'tnamenames] on our hands. Sometimes I look at these fourth graders and try to decide what they will be like in middle school and high school. I try to predict who the bitchy, popular, Homecoming Queens will be. And the jocks, the nerds, the potheads, the loners. Is it evil, wrong, or selfish of me to want to change the girls who I already know are going to be catty and petty?

Well, I survived my first week back, but I don't think I could have done it without Jeff Road, lunch with Sploosh, Matt Damon jokes with Mench, or Mr. Judd, who never ceases to amuse me. Two more weeks until midterms!
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