Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm meeting with major adviser on Thursday and the Study Abroad dean sometime this week as well. I'm going to try to think positively about my future, or not think about it at all. For now, this seems like a good plan. Except that I kind of really need a job for this summer. At this rate I'm going to end up back at the
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I keep meaning to check out this Dreamwidth thing, but then I forget. And I normally like picking apart websites in beta and geeky shit like that.
Pssst, seriously, I've heard a substantial rumor that if you register with open ID they will automatically send you an invite when the open beta stage hits. Come and pick with me!
I shall look into the OpenID thing. I love me some beta. I was betaing for a game for awhile, but ugh they didn't get their major lag bugs straightened out so I gave up because I'm not that patient. And while betaing for Dreamwidth is not as seriously awesome as the Stargate Worlds beta I failed to get into it's probably more up my ally since the interwebs make more sense to me than MMOs.
/beta geeking
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