Thank you so much, everyone who commented on my last post. It means a lot to me. And you'll be relieved to hear that later that day I had a whole breakdown/cryfest that resolved a lot of the lingering issues, and I have been up and about for well over a week. Just in time for a CRAZY MIDTERM WEEK OF DOOM.
As proof of my gratitude, I will not complain about the midterm madness and will instead move on to lighter topics.
Things I have been doing with my time that you might actually be interested to hear about:
Merlin fandom (through Delicious) - I think I need to have Delicious taken away from me. It is a terrible and addictive timesuck and my network is far too enabling of the crazy fangirl indulgence. My Bradley James love continues to reach new heights of creepitude every day.
Season 1 of Code Geass - This was a mistake made at the behest of
splintercat who failed to explain to me just how X-meets-Death-Note horrifying this show is. I totally failed to keep my guard up past the gratuitous pizza jokes and the Arthur/Suzaku cuteness and then had to deal with the season finale with no defenses and okay, I am a huge girl and this show made me really upset. I still thought it was really good, even though it probably really, really isn't (see gratuitous pizza jokes).
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - MY LOVE FOR THIS ANIME, GUYS. EPISODE TENNNNN, AHHHHHHH. I've been thinking about this show, and how much it should be boring and not at all my type of thing. I mean, there are basically two characters when I prefer ensemble casts, glacial character development, minute amounts of romance (and my slash goggles have to be turned up to full on fangirl delusion mode to even catch that much), sometimes truly creepy youkai... and yet. AND YET. My crazy love of this strange, isolated boy and his ridiculous cat companion KNOWS NO BOUNDS.
Although did anybody else notice a dramatic shift in art style in 10? Because I noticed it, and I kind of liked it, but I'm wondering what brought it on.
Earl and Fairy - I like this show in all of its horrifying and unrepentant glory. It panders rather shamelessly to the girly hormones, to the point where I was shocked to learn the anime was based off a series of light novels and not a girl's dating SIM. There are really disturbing amounts of angst for how utterly silly the premise is. Also, it takes place in Victorian England as imagined by a Japanese woman who did not do a single ounce of historical research. I think, in purpose, it is sort of like a poor man's Vampire Knight, except instead of annoying super-powered vampires who make ridiculous love-hexagons with each other, the characters are continually engaging with surprisingly accurate representations of Irish creature folklore (the ends to which they use these creatures is not as accurate, but come now, we are speaking of Japan, where the Midgard Serpent has been represented as a mail-order-obsessed butler, I take my victories where I can get them). Also, the main male character is basically Edward Cullen crossed with Tamaki Suoh and if that doesn't make your eyes bug out with crack possibilities, you have no imagination.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Okay, so I am watching the show for the first time? I'm kind of in the middle of season 2 right now? I'm enjoying myself, but in true Elizabeth form failing to really love it because it has been over-hyped? However, I've heard the show doesn't really get truly awesome until like, season 5 or so? And Bradley James is a huge fanboy, so I figure this is just another way I am succumbing to the insanity of my love for him.
Antique - As in the Korean movie adaptation of Antique Bakery with the general hotness factor, and in particular the gay text/subtext quotient, turned up to 11. Basically, already awesome Antique Bakery now with SMOKING HOT GAY LOVIN' with a French Jonathan Rhys Meyers look-alike. And THREE-DIMENSIONAL(!) insanely delicious-looking pastry. And insanely GORGEOUS set designs and cinematography. And INSANELY INSANE RANDOM MUSICAL INTERLUDES. I basically watched this movie with my mouth hanging open the entire time.
Also, I had another Merlin dream where I was traveling with the gang in a kind of modern world, where we all had monster companions. Like, I'm talking digimon/pokemon, Japanese fighting familiar, amalgam-ish monsters. There were stock poses and cg sparkle effects and shit. My subconscious is an amazing place.