Life update: I got through my midterms and papers with minor issues, but I'm having some residual anxiety problems. Coming down off the adrenaline high, I think. Yup, I've got issues.
I'm also suddenly OBSESSED with House MD. OBSESSED. Actually-looking-to-buy-the-DVDs-so-that-I-can-have-them-for-my-very-own OBSESSED. Wanting-to-run-down-the-halls-screaming-quotes OBSESSED ("CLIMB OUT OF YOUR HOLES, PEOPLE."). OBSESSED.
Where did this come from? I've liked the show for a year already, yet only just now has it become my favorite thing, like, ever.
I do not understand myself.
In other news, this meme is just endless amounts of fun, so I'm jumping the bandwagon.
Go to Google Image Search.
Search for your answer.
Pick one answer from the first page.
1. The age you'll be on your next birthday
2. A place you'd like to travel to
He's probably the coolest thing we learned about in Japan Civ this year.
3. Your favourite place
4. Your favourite object
5. Your favourite food
Actually, I only searched for "tomato soup", but I LOVE grilled cheese sandwiches, too.
6. Your favourite animal
Look, you get the "AWWW" and the "HOLY SHI-" in one picture!
7. Your favourite color
8. The town where you were born
9. The town where you live now
Well, it's hardly a town...
10. The name of a pet you've had
11. Your nickname/screen name
Whoo, trippy.
12. Your first name
13. Your middle name
Gotta love The Onion.
14. Your last name
15. A bad habit of yours
Everyone who's ever lived with me yells at me for doing this ALL THE TIME.
16. Your first job
What I searched for had nothing to do with computers, but whatever.
17. Your maternal grandmother's name
18. Your paternal grandmother's name
She wasn't stupid, for the record.
19. Your college major
ANNND we end on that note!