Oct 29, 2007 18:44
Jaida discussion topic has made me think about an old dream of mine from back in my puzzle-nerd days.
It's always wanted to use the Disney princesses to make one of those tic-tac-toe games where you have a 3x3 board of pictures and in each of the rows, columns and diagonals, the pictures have something in common. Except to make it the even nine you need to wait for the black princess or include Kiara (I like Kiara, so let's go with her). But it would go something like this:
"Mulan, Pocahontas, and Jasmine are ethnic minorities." "Snow White, Ariel, and Aurora are (human) princesses by birth." "Cinderella, Aurora, and Ariel have some trouble with their clothing at some point." "Jasmine, Ariel, and Kiara have overprotective parents." "Jasmine, Kiara, and Cinderella have (class-based) controversial relationships." "Pocahontas, Ariel, and Belle have (genetically) controversial relationships." "Snow White, Pocahontas, and Aurora must face the concept of death." "Snow White, Aurora, Jasmine all need rescuing by their princes." In contrast, "Mulan, Arial, and Pocahontas all (physically) rescue their princes." "True love plays an magical role in the stories of Aurora, Belle, and Snow White."
This game would be awesome. I could argue the specifics all day. In fact, I request to be argued with (please to not be paying attention to the mechanics of this sentence), as I think I messed up at least one of those generalizations.
(I am hiding from college right now, though I think the regressive topic should make that obvious.)