These last few weeks have just been endless and I have never hated the look of a March so much as I hate this one, which is shaping up to be the ultimate of many Marches From Hell also known as teachers' "Holy ----, Spring Break is right around the corner?" universal-embrace-of-sadism month. (It also happens to be Women's History Month, I leave it to you to look at my last post and find the irony.) I have never had so many commitments and papers pop out of the woodwork at once. My schedule for this coming week is horrifying to behold.
If I had more time I would update my 50books, mention my thoughts on the Oscars, fangirl over
Pixelgirl Shop, or rant about how I wish my poet was dead. But I do not have time. The Schedule barely allows me to eat or sleep and I am already cutting into the time I need to prepare my French presentation, which in turn cuts into the next 3 and a half hours it will take for me to finish today's quota of Catch-22 reading, which I hear is soon going to stop being screamingly funny and move onto everybody dying and other Not Funny topics.