Nov 26, 2003 20:36
happy early thanxgiving everyone!
today was the best it was so great
i got ym hair cut yesterday!
my mom came home this weekend:)im so happy to have her back its so great..she is my idol!
i hate guy problems..cant it just ever be EASY?
so all a lot of my friends care about is BOYS or their BOYFRIENDS holy lord its i swear to god its all they think/ hear /talk/ sing/ read/everyhting else about
i just dont get it we shouldnt be focusing that greatly on sumthing liek that yet...i mean of course they r important but holy shit u shouldnt fucking forget about the rest of your life...but maybe thats just me...maybe its cuz i dont have a boyfriend...but if i do get one i am most certainly not gunna be like that cuz thats insane
so anyways after that little burst of anger..
i want to party this weekend!cuz im sick of sitting here...
by the way if anyone is up to "tutoring" me in math feel free cuz im gunna fail
i love all of my friends!if anyone would like to play this weekend give me a call 363 0879
i hope you all ahve a great thanksgiving!eat a lot fo FOOODDD