Mar 08, 2007 19:11
I FINALLY registered my car today, after spending nearly 300 dollars. 70 for smogging (15 in Seattle), and 198 for registration (75 dollars in Washington)...thats.....205 dollars CHEAPER than Washington...fucking california, I swear. Here's the crazy part, my car PASSED smog! That pos spews exhaust into my cab when'er I come to an idol, having a huge hole in the 'cadilic' converter (I put single quotes around that because I have no idea how to spell it). So, how it passed smog is beyond me. But it did, hurray. Best thing about this whole thing is I no longer have to HIDE from the cops! I mean, i probably still will and all...being a creature of habit....but at least they'll need a legitament reason for pulling me over now! yeay! oh...and my phone works again! yeay! you can call me! not that anyone ever does....not quite shure why I spent nearly 500 dollars to fix my phone...anyway, there it is...yeay!