Got this meme from Winsomeone. Thought I'd try my first meme.
1.Are you currently in a serious relationship?
Yes, I’ve been married 27 years.
2.What was your dream growing up?
To be able to fly.
3.What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing.
4.If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Non-alcoholic would be a coconut latte, alcoholic would be a raspberry daiquiri.
5.Favorite vegetable? Asparagus - despite the smelly pee.
6.What was the last book you read?
Prophet by Frank Peretti
7.What zodiac sign are you?
I’m a Libra, therefore I can’t make decisions.
8.Any tattoos or piercings?
Just one hole in each ear.
9.Worst habit?
I’m a junk food junkie.
10. If you saw me walking down the road, would you offer me a ride? I wouldn’t but my husband might.
11.What is your favorite sport?
To play - soccer. To watch - baseball.
12.What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Start a conversation - what else can you do?
13.Do you have an optimistic or pessimistic nature?
Optimistic - everything is rosy.
14.Worst thing that ever happened to you?
My sister leaving our family. I haven’t seen her for over 15 years and I miss her terribly.
15.Tell me one weird fact about you.
I rotate my towels.
16.Do you have any pets?
No, but we might get a dog someday.
17.What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
You’d be welcome - we could shoot the breeze.
18.What was your first impression of me?
Awesome writing talent.
19.Do you think clowns are scary or cute?
Scary - they should be outlawed.
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
I’d finally have a flat stomach.
21.Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Definitely your conscience.
22.What color eyes do you have?
23.Ever been arrested?
No way.
24.Bottle or canned soda?
No preference.
25.If you won $10,000.00 today what would you do with it?
Put some away for my son’s tuition and use the rest for a family vacation.
26.What's your favorite place to hang out?
I don’t hang out.
27.Do you believe in ghosts?
I’m keeping an open mind.
28.Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Read fanfic or do sudoku puzzles.
29.Do you swear a lot?
30.Biggest pet peeve?
People who don’t let me know when we’re out of something, whether at work or home. I hate running out of stuff.
31.In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32.Do you believe/ appreciate romance?
33.Favorite/ least favorite foods?
Favorite-thai curries, least favorite - liver
34. Do you believe in God?
Yes, I’m a churchgoer.